Announcements - February 14, 2010

Post date: Feb 16, 2010 4:55:11 PM

Haiti Relief: The church is still accepting donations for Haiti earthquake relief. Please mark your donation clearly and place it in the collection plate.

Chimes Deadline is this Friday, Feb 19. All Boards and Committees should submit reports for newsletter. Please place articles for the Chimes in the "Chimes" mailbox found at the lower left side of the member mailboxes, or eMail articles to

Lent Begins this Week with Ash Wednesday Services at 7pm on Wednesday. Begin your preparation for the celebration of the life, death and resurrection, of Jesus with ashes, confession, forgiveness, and Holy Communion. Lenten services continue every Wednesday through Holy Week (Apr 24).

Lutheran Public Radio: SMARTEST LISTENERS IN RADIO…You can listen to in-depth discussions on topics like Praising God, Love in the Scriptures, The Animal Rights Movement, Ouija Boards, Confession and more. Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show produced by Lutheran Public Radio and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. You can listen to what you want when you want at

Communicating with Trinity is easy use email! Trinity's eMail addresses are...

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Adult Bible Class today we continue our study on the Work of the Holy Spirit. 10:15am today in the fellowship hall.

Pastor has time available to lead a bible study in your home on your schedule. Please contact him for details.

Kids kindergarten through 4th grade: Join the FLOCK (Fellowship & Love Offered to Christ's Kids) at 6:00 Wednesday (Feb 17). We'll learn of Jesus' love and forgiveness through games, crafts, fellowship and fun! Questions, please contact Julie Lang or Tammy Hudson.

Word for Today Devotions are available by phone. Call (901) 328-7672. Regular long distance charges apply.

Rachel Stoker thanks everyone for the cards sent to her on her special birthay celebration. The made her day! She continues with radiation treatment and appreciates your continued prayers.

This Week at Trinity

Sun Feb 14 9am Divine Service with Holy Communion

10:15am Sunday school / Bible Classes

11:30am Voter's Meeting

Mon Feb 15 Pastor's Day Off

12:30pm Preschool

7pm LifeLight (FH)

Tue Feb 16 6:30am Early Risers (HyVee)

8:30am Preschool

9am Handy Helpers

12:30pm Preschool

1:30pm LifeLight

1:30pm Streams of Living Water, Sermon Broadcast

Wed Feb 17 12:30pm Preschool

6pm Youth Group

6pm F.L.O.C.K.

6pm Confirmation Classes

7pm Ash Service w/ Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes

7:30pm Mission Board

Thu Feb 18 8:30am Preschool

9:30am Preschool Pastor Time

12:30pm Preschool

1:30pm Preschool Pastor Time

Fri Feb 19 Newsletter Deadline

Sun Feb 21 9am Divine Service

10:15am Sunday school / Bible Classes

6pm Youth Group

6:30pm Preschool Father's Night (FH)

Serving the Trinity This Week

Sun Feb 14

Ushers: Jim Nelson, Eric Eklund, Randy Ringsdorf, Jim Kneedler

Pianist: Julie Lang Elder: Phil Wardenburg

Acolytes: Samantha Reed, Cali Foglesong Altar: Mike & Janette Lang, Bev Braymen

Finance: Jim & Cindy Nelson, Eric and Jeanna Eklund

Wed Feb 17

Ushers: Jim Nelson, Eric Eklund, Randy Ringsdorf, Jim Kneedler

Elder: Phil Wardenburg Organist: Sharon Eklund

Altar: Mike & Janette Lang, Bev Braymen

Finance: Jim & Cindy Nelson, Eric and Jeanna Eklund

Ushers: Jim Nelson, Eric Eklund, Randy Ringsdorf, Jim Kneedler

Sun Feb 21

Ushers: Jim Nelson, Eric Eklund, Randy Ringsdorf, Jim Kneedler

Organist: Sharon Eklund Elder: Phil Wardenburg

Altar: Mike & Janette Lang, Bev Braymen Acolytes: Ashtyn Riley, Reagan Brown

Finance: Jim & Cindy Nelson, Eric and Jeanna Eklund

In Your Prayers

Cancer: Brenda Painter; Dee Ann Stults; Erin Kuhn; Joel Osborne (Dane Wardenburg's Coach); Mark Burgess (Deb Melzer's Brother-in-Law); Rachel Stoker (former member of Trinity); Raydene Dillenger (Family of Joy Brown); Robin Kemp; Shelly Cabbage (Friend of Phil and Anita Wardenburg); Tammy Bryson (Near Death) (Family of Cindy Nelson); Trevor Hanson (Jim Hagen's Great-nephew); Vyck Shanes (Bill Mager's brother-in-law);

Heart: Greg Boros, husband of Melody Stoner's Niece (Needs a new heart, but insurance will cover)

Hospice: Max Meeks (Friend of Bill and Marsha Magers)

Illness: Bob Rassmussen; Jessica Marquardt (Neice of Marti Williams); Kaylee Hoepker

Recovering: Arlene Madison; Joel Herzberg (skiing accident);

Testing: Tommie Stoner

Military: Rich Miller (Husband of Brenda Bochart's Co-Worker) sent to Haiti

Missions: Ivan, Jennifer Rasch, Nigeria; Rev. Daniel Vogel (Missionary to Hispanic in Dennison); Rev. Dennis Konkel (Missionary to the Deaf in Des Moines)

Shut-ins: Lonny Riley, Al Schroeder, Ruth Chase, Wilma Cottrell, Pauline Young