Officers and Boards


Officers and Board Members for 2025

Elections were held on October 20, 2024.

All officers, boards and committees were installed on January 5, 2025.


Elected Positions

(* Denotes Term Limit of 2 consecutive terms)

(# Denotes limit reached)


Officers (1 yr. *)

President: Ed Booth (12/2025)  * His second term will end 12/2025

Vice President:  Jim Hagen (12/2025) # His first term ends 12/2025

Secretary:  Linda Hadley (12/2025) * Her second term ends 12/2025

Financial Secretary: Kevin Kruse (12/2025) No term limit anymore for financial secretary.

Treasurer: Eric Eklund (12/2025)  No term limit anymore for treasurer.


Elders: (2yr*)

Dane Wardenburg (12/2026) Chairman   His second term will end 12/2026

Tim Foglesong (12/2026)  Secretary  His second term will end 12/2026

Mike Lang (12/2025)  Chairman  * His second term will end 12/2025

Doug Gooding (12/2025)  * His second term will end 12/2025

Karl Peterson (12/2025)  # His first term will end 12/2025

Mike Swanson (12/2026)  His first term will end 12/2026


Trustees:  (2yr.)

Rick Hadley (12/2026)   Chair

Doug Gooding (12/2026)

Jim Hagen (12/2026)

Doug Bullock (12/2026)

Jim Nelson # (12/2025)

Cindy Isdahl # (12/2025) secretary



Appointed Boards and Committees (Appointed by Church Council, approved by voters)


Head Usher (1 yr)  Dennis Brown (12/2025)      

Board of Education  (2 yr)      

Julie Lang (12/2025)  chair

Anita Wardenburg (12/2025)

Becky Hagen (12/2025)  

Candace Peterson (12/2026)

Norma McCutchan (12/2026)


Mission Board (2 yr) 

Deb Melzer (12/2025) chair

Theola Bullock (12/2025)     


Christian Care Committee

Pastor Rutz-chair

Deb Melzer-treasurer

Dane Wardenburg-elder rep.

Mitzie Cellan

Jessica Hagen


Endowment Committee

Mike Lang, chair

Becky Hagen, secretary

Eric Eklund, treasurer

Anita Wardenburg

Dane Wardenburg

Jim Hagen

Kevin Kruse

Ed Booth

Jim Nelson

Crystal Storhoff



Altar Committee Chair-Cindy Isdahl



Preschool Board

 Mike Lang-pres.

Ashtyn Riley-Vice pres.

Melody Stoner-sec.

Trisha Riley-treas.

Bill Magers

Tom Braymen

Jeanna Eklund

Alexis Swanson

Pastor Rutz


Stewardship Committee

Tracy Booth-chair

Phil Wardenburg

Jessica Hagen

Julie Rutz

Eric Eklund

Kevin Kruse


Library Committee

Joyce Kruse

Corene Walter

Cindy Isdahl


Board of Youth----Vacant


Sunday School Superintendent--Vacant


Officers and Board Members for 2024

Elections were held on October 15, 2023.

All officers, boards and committees were installed on January 7, 2024.


Elected Positions

(* Denotes Term Limit of 2 consecutive terms)

 (# Denotes limit reached)


Officers (1 yr. *)

President: Ed Booth (12/2024)  #  His first term will end 12/2024

Vice President:  Greg Storhoff (12/2024) # His first term ends 12/2024

Secretary:  Linda Hadley (12/2024) # Her first term ends 12/2024

Financial Secretary: Kevin Kruse (12/2024) No term limit anymore for financial secretary.

Treasurer: Eric Eklund (12/2024)  No term limit anymore for treasurer.


Elders: (2yr*)

Dane Wardenburg (12/2024) Chairman   His first term will end 12/2024

Dean Hadley (12/2024) # His second term will end 12/2024

Tim Foglesong (12/2024)  His first term will end 12/2024

Mike Lang (12/2025)  Chairman  His second term will end 12/2025

Doug Gooding (12/2025)  His second term will end 12/2025

Karl Peterson (12/2025)  His first term will end 12/2025



Trustees: (2yr)

Rick Hadley (12/2024) Chairman

Doug Gooding (12/2024)

Jim Hagen (12/2024)

Jim Nelson (12/2025)

Cindy Isdahl (12/2025)





Appointed Boards and Committees (Appointed by Church Council, approved by voters)

                                                                                  Board of Education  (2 yr)      

                                                                                     Becky Hagen (12/2025)  chair

                                                                                     Anita Wardenburg (12/2025)

Head Usher (1 yr)  Dennis Brown (12/2024)           Julie Lang (12/2025)                                                                                  

                                                                                    Candace Peterson (12/2024)                                                                                                                  



Mission Board (2yr)                                                  Christian Care Committee

Deb Melzer (12/2025)--Chair                                    Pastor Rutz  Chairman

Theola Bullock (12/2025)                                     Deb Melzer-Treasurer                               

 Dane Wardenburg elder rep.

 Mitzie Cellan

             Jessica Hagen                                                                                                                 



Preschool Board                                                           Parish Review Committee

Mike Lang-President                                          Mike Lang

Ashtyn Riley – Vice President                                    Anita Wardenburg

Melody Stoner-Secretary                                            Crystal Storhoff

Trisha Riley-Treasurer                                                Jim Nelson

Bill Magers                                                                   Mark Larsen

Beth Herzberg                                                             Charlie Bowman

Tom Braymen                                                              Doug Bullock

Jeanna Eklund                                                         

Pastor Rutz                                                                 




Endowment  Committee                                             Altar/Worship Committee

Mike Lang, Chairman                                        Janette Lang-Chair

Becky Hagen, Secretary

Eric Eklund, Treasurer                                       

Anita Wardenburg                                           Stewardship Committee            

Crystal Storhoff                                                  Phil Wardenburg

Dane Wardenburg                                                 Tracy Booth

Jim Hagen                                                                    Crystal Storhoff

Kevin Kruse                                                                 Jessica Hagen

Ed Booth                                                                       Julie Rutz

Jim Nelson                                                                    Eric Eklund

                                                                                     Kevin Kruse


Library Committee                                                 Board of Youth (2 yr)

Corene Walter                                                              Vacant

Beth Herzberg                                                          

Joyce Kruse                                                                  Sunday School Superintendent (1 yr)

Alexis Swanson                                                             Vacant

Officers and Board Members for 2023

Elections were held on November 20, 2022.

All officers, boards and committees were installed on January 8, 2023.


Elected Positions

(* Denotes Term Limit of 2 consecutive terms)

 (# Denotes limit reached)


Officers (1 yr. *)

President: Phil Wardenburg (12/2023)  #  His 2nd term will end 12/2023

Vice President:  Karl Peterson (12/2023) # His 2nd term ends 12/2023

Secretary:  Tracy Booth (12/2023) # Her 2nd term ends 12/2023

Financial Secretary: Kevin Kruse (12/2023) No term limit anymore for financial secretary.

Treasurer: Eric Eklund (12/2023)  No term limit anymore for treasurer.


Elders: (2yr*)

Mike Lang (12/2023)  Chairman  His 1st term will end 12/2023

Dean Hadley (12/2024) # His 2nd term will end 12/2024

Ed Booth (12/2023)  His first term will end 12/2023

Doug Gooding (12/2023)  His first term will end 12/2023

Tim Foglesong (12/2024)  His first term will end 12/2024

Dane Wardenburg (12/2024)  His first term will end 12/2024


Trustees: (2yr)

Byron Bilderback (12/2024) Chairman

Rick Hadley (12/2024)

Doug Gooding (12/2023)

Bruce Herzberg (12/2023)

Jim Hagen (12/2024)






Appointed Boards and Committees (Appointed by Church Council, approved by voters)

 Sunday School Superintendent: (1yr) Vacant           Stewardship Committee--Vacant

 Head Usher: (1yr)   Dennis Brown (12/2023)


Board of Education: (2yr)                                             Board of Youth:  (2yr)

Becky Hagen (12/2023) –Chair                                  Julie Rutz (12/2023)

Anita Wardenburg (12/2023)                                                                                     

Julie Lang (12/2023)

Candace Peterson (12/2024)


Mission Board: (2yr)                                                     Christian Care Committee

Deb Melzer (12/2023)--Chair                                    Pastor Rutz Chairman

Theola Bullock (12/2023)                                        Deb Melzer-Treasurer                              

Cindy Nelson (12/2023)                                                Ed Booth-rep from bd. of elders                                         

                Mitzie Cellan

                Jessica Hagen                                                                                                        



Preschool Board:                                                          Parish Review Committee

Mike Lang-President                                              Mike Lang

Ashtyn Riley – Vice President                                    Anita Wardenburg

Melody Stoner-Secretary                                            Crystal Storhoff

Trisha Riley-Treasurer                                                Jim Nelson

Bill Magers                                                                    Mark Larsen

Beth Herzberg                                                              Charlie Bowman

Tom Braymen                                                               Doug Bullock

Jeanna Eklund                                                         

Pastor Rutz                                                                 




Endowment  Committee:                                     Altar/Worship Committee:

Mike Lang, Chairman                                     Janette Lang-Chair

Becky Hagen, Secretary

Eric Eklund, Treasurer

Anita Wardenburg

Crystal Storhoff

Dane Wardenburg

Jim Hagen

Kevin Kruse

Ed Booth

Jim Nelson

Officers and Board Members for 2022

Elections were held on November 14, 2021

All officers, board and committee members were installed on January 9, 2022


Elected Positions

(* Denotes Term Limit of 2 consecutive terms)

(# Denotes limit reached)


Officers (1 yr. *)

President:  Phil Wardenburg (12/2022)  He’s beginning his 1st term.

Vice President:  Karl Peterson (12/2022) He’s beginning his 1st term.

Secretary:  Tracy Booth (12/2022)  She’s beginning her 1st term.

Financial Secretary:  Kevin Kruse (12/2023) No term limit anymore for financial secretary.

Treasurer:  Eric Eklund (12/2022) No term limit anymore for treasurer.



Elders (2 yr*)

Chairman:  Mike Lang (12/2023)  He’s beginning his first term.

Jim Hagen (12/2022) # His 2nd term will end in 2022.

Jim Nelson (12/2022) # His 2nd term will end in 2022.

Dean Hadley (12/2022) His 1st term will end in 2022.

Ed Booth (12/2023) He’s beginning his first term.

Doug Gooding (12/2023) He’s beginning his first term.



Trustees:  (2 yr)

Chairman:  Byron Bilderback (12/2022)

Rick Hadley (12/2022)

Mike Sickels (12/2022)

Bruce Herzberg (12/2023)




Appointed Boards and Committees (Appointed by Church Council, approved by voters)


Head Usher:  (1 yr.)   Dennis Brown (12/2022)               Stewardship Committee:  Vacant


Altar/Worship Committee Chair:  Janette Lang        Sunday School Supt.:  Vacant


Board of Education:  (2 yr)                                               Endowment and Legacy Committee

Chair:  Becky Hagen (12/2023)                                  Anita Wardenburg

Anita Wardenburg (12/2023)                                            Mike Lang

Julie Lang (12/2023)                                                           Waunita Watt

Trisha Riley (12/2022)                                                        Greg Storhoff

Candace Peterson (12/2022)



Mission Board:  (2 yr)                                                         Christian Care Committee                                                 

Chair:  Deb Melzer  (12/2023)                                            Chair:  Pastor Rutz

Cathy Dryden (12/2023)                                                      Treasurer:  Cathy Dryden

Theola Bullock (12/2023)                                                 Jim Hagen

                                                                                                Lori Means

Board of Youth:  (2 yr.)                                                       Jessica Hagen

Chair:  Julie Rutz (12/2023)

Jen & Tim Foglesong (12/2023)                                                       


Parish Review Committee                                             Trinity Preschool

Mike Lang                                                                            Chair:  Mike Lang

Anita Wardenburg                                                              Vice Chair:  Ashtyn Riley

Crystal Storhoff                                                                   Secretary:  Melody Stoner

Jim Nelson                                                                            Treasurer:  Trisha Riley

Mark Larsen                                                                   Beth Herzberg

Mike Sickels                                                                         Tom Braymen

Doug Bullock                                                                        Lisa Tomas

Charlie Bowman                                                             Pastor Rutz









Officers and Board Members for 2021

Elections were held on November 8, 2020.

All officers, boards and committees were installed on January 3, 2021.


Elected Positions

(* Denotes Term Limit of 2 consecutive terms)

 (# Denotes limit reached)


Officers (1 yr. *)

President: Charlie Bowman (12/2021) # His 2nd term ends in 2021.

Vice President:  Mick Hagen (12/2021) # His 2nd term ends in 2021.

Secretary:  Mike Lang (12/2021) # His 2nd term ends in 2021.

Financial Secretary: Kevin Kruse (12/2021) No term limit anymore for financial secretary.

Treasurer: Eric Eklund (12/2021)  No term limit anymore for treasurer.


Elders: (2yr*)

Phil Wardenburg (12/2021)#   Chairman  His 2nd term ends in 2021.

Eric Eklund (12/2021)#  His 2nd term ends in 2021.

Karl Peterson (12/2021)#   His 2nd term ends in 2021.

Greg Storhoff (12/2021)#   His 2nd term ends in 2021.

Jim Hagen (12/2022)   His 2nd term will end in 2022.

Jim Nelson (12/2022)  His 2nd term will end in 2022.

Dean Hadley (12/2022) He’s beginning his 1st term.


Trustees: (2yr)

Byron Bilderback (12/2022) Chairman

Rick Hadley (12/2022)

Dale Rechtenbach (12/2021)

Lance Means (12/2021)

Mike Sickels (12/2022)






Appointed Boards and Committees (Appointed by Church Council, approved by voters)

 Sunday School Superintendent: (1yr) Vacant           Stewardship Committee--Vacant

 Head Usher: (1yr)   Dennis Brown (12/2021)


Board of Education: (2yr)                                             Board of Youth:  (2yr)

Becky Hagen (12/2021) –Chair                                Tim & Jennifer Foglesong (12/2021)

Anita Wardenburg (12/2021)                                   Julie Rutz (12/2021)                                                  

Tricia Riley (12/2022)

Candace Peterson (12/2022)


Mission Board: (2yr)                                                     Christian Care Committee (from 2019)

Ed Booth (12/2021)                                                         Pastor Rutz    Chairman

Deb Melzer (12/2021)                                                     Jim Hagen

Cathy Dryden (12/2021)                                             Cathy Dryden  Treasurer

                                                                                          Lori Means

                                                                                          Jessica Hagen



Preschool Board:                                                          Parish Review Committee

Mike Lang-President                                              Mike Lang

Ashtyn Riley – Vice President                                    Anita Wardenburg

Melody Stoner-Secretary                                            Crystal Storhoff

Jim Nelson-Treasurer                                                  Jim Nelson

Charlie Bowman                                                          Mark Larsen

Beth Herzberg                                                              Mike Sickels

Tom Braymen                                                               Doug Bullock

Ann Ross                                                           

Pastor Rutz                                                                 

Lisa Tomas                                                                                       



Endowment and Legacy Committee:                     Altar/Worship Committee:

Anita Wardenburg                                                   Janette Lang-chair

Mike Lang

Waunita Watt

Greg Storhoff




Officers and Board Members for 2020

Elections were held on October 27, 2019.

All officers, boards and committees were installed on January 12, 2020.


Elected Positions

(* Denotes Term Limit of 2 consecutive terms)

 (# Denotes limit reached)


Officers (1 yr. *)

President: Charlie Bowman (12/2020)

Vice President:  Mick Hagen (12/2020)

Secretary:  Mike Lang (12/2020)

Financial Secretary: Kevin Kruse (12/2020) 

Treasurer: Randy Ehm (12/2020)  


Elders: (2yr*)

Phil Wardenburg (12/2021)   Chairman

Eric Eklund (12/2021)

Karl Peterson (12/2021)

Greg Storhoff (12/2021)

Mike Sickels (12/2020)

Jim Hagen (12/2020)

Bruce Herzberg (12/2020)

Jim Nelson (12/2020)


Trustees: (2yr)

Byron Bilderback (12/2020) Chairman

Rick Hadley (12/2020)

Dale Rechtenbach (12/2021)

Lance Means (12/2021)

Doug Gooding (12/2020)






Appointed Boards and Committees (Appointed by Church Council, approved by voters)

 Sunday School Superintendent: (1yr) Vacant           Stewardship Committee--Vacant

 Head Usher: (1yr)   Dennis Brown (12/2020)


Board of Education: (2yr)                                             Board of Youth:  (2yr)

Becky Hagen (12/2021) –Chair                                    Tim & Jennifer Foglesong (12/2021)

Anita Wardenburg (12/2021)                                       Julie Rutz (12/2021)                                                  

Tracy Booth (12/2020)


Mission Board: (2yr)                                                     Christian Care Committee (from 2019)

Ed Booth (12/2021)                                                         Pastor Rutz    Chairman

Deb Melzer (12/2021)                                                     Jim Hagen

Jean Stoll (12/2020)                                                        Cathy Dryden  Treasurer

Julie Rutz (12/2020)                                                       Lori Means

Cathy Dryden (12/2021)                                                Jessica Hagen



Preschool Board:                                                          Parish Review Committee   

Mike Lang-President                                                   Mike Lang

Ashtyn Riley – Vice President                                    Anita Wardenburg

Melody Stoner-Secretary                                            Crystal Storhoff

Jim Nelson-Treasurer                                                  Jim Nelson

Lisa Tomas                                                                      Mark Larsen

Beth Herzberg                                                              Mike Sickels

Tom Braymen                                                               Doug Bullock

Ann Ross                                                                        Charlie Bowman                                                

Pastor Rutz                                                                 




Endowment and Legacy Committee:                     Altar/Worship Committee:

Anita Wardenburg                                                   Janette Lang-chair

Mike Lang

Waunita Watt

Greg Storhoff


Officers and Board Members for 2019

Elections were held on November 4, 2018.

All officers, boards and committees were installed on January 13, 2019.


Elected Positions

(* Denotes Term Limit of 2 consecutive terms)

 (# Denotes limit reached)


Officers (1 yr. *)

President: Mike Lang (12/2019) #

Vice President:  Charlie Bowman (12/2019)

Secretary:  Deanna Petersen (12/2019) #

Financial Secretary: Kevin Kruse (12/2019) 

Treasurer: Randy Ehm (12/2019) #


Elders: (2yr*)

Phil Wardenburg (12/2019)   Chairman

Eric Eklund (12/2019)

Karl Peterson (12/2019)

Greg Storhoff (12/2019)

Mike Sickels (12/2020)

Jim Hagen (12/2020)

Bruce Herzberg (12/2020)

Jim Nelson (12/2020)


Trustees: (2yr)

Byron Bilderback (12/2020) Chairman

Rick Hadley (12/2020)

Troy Peterson (12/2020)

Dave Dory (12/2019)

Doug Gooding (12/2020)






Appointed Boards and Committees (Appointed by Church Council, approved by voters)

 Sunday School Superintendent: (1yr) Vacant 

 Head Usher: (1yr)   Dennis Brown (12/2019)


Board of Education: (2yr)                                             Board of Youth:  (2yr)

Becky Hagen (12/2019) –Chair                                    Tim & Jennifer Foglesong (12/2019)

Anita Wardenburg (12/2019)                                       Dean Hadley  (12/2019)                                                  

Heidi Brown (12/2020)                                                                                   

Tracy Booth (12/2020)


Mission Board: (2yr)                                                     Christian Care Committee

Maggie Dory (12/2019)                                                  Pastor Rutz

Deb Melzer (12/2019)                                                     Jim Hagen

Jean Stoll (12/2020)                                                        Cathy Dryden

Julie Rutz (12/2020)                                                       Lori Means

Cathy Dryden (12/2019)                                                Jessica Hagen



 Preschool Board: Hannah Shady – President            Stewardship:  (2yr)   Vacant

Jim Nelson, treasurer

Mike Lang  vice president                                            Parish Review Committee

Beth Herzberg                                                               Mike Lang      

Melody Stoner secretary                                              Anita Wardenburg

Tom Braymen                                                               Charlie Bowman

Pastor Rutz                                                                    Crystal Storhoff

Ann Ross                                                                        Doug Bullock

                                                                                        Jim Nelson                                                                                

Worship/Altar Committee:                                         Mark Larsen

Janette Lang, chair                                                       Mike Sickels



Endowment and Legacy Committee:  

Anita Wardenburg

Maggie Dory

Mike Lang

Waunita Watt

Greg Storhoff


Officers and Board Members for 2018

Elections were held on October 29, 2017.

All officers, boards and committees were installed in January 2018.


Elected Positions

(* Denotes Term Limit of 2 consecutive terms)

 (# Denotes limit reached)

Officers (1 yr. *)

President: Mike Lang (12/2018)

Vice President:  Bruce Herzberg (12/2018)

Secretary:  Deanna Petersen (12/2018)

Financial Secretary: Cindy Nelson (12/2018) #

Treasurer: Randy Ehm (12/2018)


Elders: (2yr*)

Kevin Kruse (12/2018)   Chairman

Charles Bowman (12/2018) #

Eric Eklund (12/2019)

Gene Cook (12/2018)

Karl Peterson (12/2019)

Phil Wardenburg (12/2019)

Greg Storhoff (12/2019)

Mike Sickels (12/2018)


Trustees: (2yr)

Jim Hagen (12/2018) Chairman

Rick Hadley (12/2018)

Troy Peterson (12/2018)

Dave Dory (12/2019)


Appointed Boards and Committees (Appointed by Church Council, approved by voters)

 Sunday School Superintendent: (1yr) Vacant 

 Head Usher: (1yr)   Dennis Brown (12/2018)


Board of Education: (2yr)                                             Board of Youth:  (2yr)

Julie Lang (12/2018)                                                       Tim & Jennifer Foglesong (12/19)

Heidi Brown (12/2018)                                                   Dean & Sara Hadley (12/2019)

Becky Hagen (12/2019)

Anita Wardenburg (12/2019)


Mission Board: (2yr)                                                     Christian Care Committee

Maggie Dory (12/2019)                                                  Pastor Rutz

Sue Larson (12/2018)                                                     Gene Cook

Jean Stoll (12/2018)                                                        Cathy Dryden

Julie Rutz (12/2018)                                                       Brenda Bochart

Cathy Dryden (12/2019)

Deb Melzer (12/2019)


 Preschool Board: Hannah Shady – Chair                 Stewardship:  (2yr)   Vacant

Jim Nelson, treasurer

Mike Lang

Beth Herzberg

Melody Stoner

Tom Braymen

Pastor Rutz 


Worship/Altar Committee:  Janette Lang, chair               


Endowment Committee:   Vacant




Elections were held on October 30, 2016.  All officers, boards and committees will be installed on January 8, 2017.

Elected Positions(* Denotes Term Limit of 2 consecutive terms) (#Denotes limit reached)

Officers (1 yr. *)

President: Jim Nelson (12/2017)

Vice President:  Greg Storhoff (12/2017)

Secretary:  Joyce Kruse (12/2017)

Financial Secretary: Cindy Nelson (12/2017) #

Treasurer: Eric Eklund (12/2017) #


Elders: (2yr*)

Charles Bowman (12/2018) #

Doug Bullock (12/2017) #

Gene Cook (12/2018)

Dave Dory (12/2017) #

Mike Lang (12/2017) #

Dean Hadley (12/2017)

Kevin Kruse (12/2018)

Mike Sickels (12/2018)


Trustees: (2yr)

Phil Wardenburg (12/2017)

Rick Hadley (12/2018)

Byron Bilderback (12/2018)

Troy Peterson (12/2018)

Jim Hagen (12/2018)


Appointed Boards and Committees (by Church Council, confirmed by voters)


Sunday School Superintendent: (1yr) Vacant 


Head Usher: (1yr)   Dennis Brown (12/2017)


Board of Education: (2yr)

Julie Lang (12/2018)

Heidi Brown (12/2018)

Mindy Kaufman (12/2017)

Sarah Hadley (12/2017)




Board of Youth: (2yr)

Troy and Deanna Peterson (12/2017)

Dennis and Joy Brown (12/2017)


Stewardship: (2yr)   Vacant


Mission Board: (2yr)

Maggie Dory (12/2017)

Sue Larson (12/2018)

Jean Stoll (12/2018)

Bill Magers (12/2017)

Julie Rutz (12/2018)


Other Boards and Committees

Worship/Altar Committee:  Janette Lang - Chair 


Preschool Board: Hannah Shady - Chair


2016 Officers and Boards (updated 1/7/2016)

Elections were held on October 25, 2015.

All officers, boards and committees will be installed on January 3, 2016.

----- Elected Officers -------------------------------------------

(*Denotes Term Limit of 2 consecutive terms)

(&Denotes limit reached)

President: (1yr*)

Vice President: (1yr*)

Secretary: (1yr)

Financial Secretary: (1yr*)

Treasurer: (1yr*)

Elders: (2yr*)

Trustees: (2yr)

----- Appointed Boards and Committees (by Church Council, Confirmed by Voters) -------------

Sunday School Superintendent: (1yr)

Head Usher: (1yr)

Board of Education: (2yr)

Board of Youth: (2yr)

Stewardship: (2yr)

Mission Board: (2yr)

----- Other Boards and Committees -------------------------------------------

Worship Altar Committee:

Preschool Board:


2015 Officers and Boards      (updated 8/4/2015)

Elections were held on December 7, 2014.

All officers, boards and committees will be installed on January 4, 2015.

----- Elected Officers -------------------------------------------

    (*Denotes Term Limit of 2 consecutive terms)

    (&Denotes limit reached)

President: (1yr*)

    Phil Wardenburg (15&)

Vice President: (1yr*)

     Jim Nelson (14)

Secretary: (1yr)

    Carla Roghair (15&)

Financial Secretary: (1yr*)

    Cathy Dryden (15&)  

Treasurer: (1yr*)

    Eric Eklund (15)

Elders: (2yr*)

    Randy Roghair (17) - Chair

    Doug Bullock (16)

    Dave Dory (16)

    Mike Lang (16)

    Mark Larson (15)

    Norm Schroeder (15&)

    Charles Bowman (17)

    Dean Hadley (17)

Trustees: (2yr)

    Byron Bilderback (15) - Chair

    Jay Bochart (15)

    Dennis Brown (15)

    Troy Peterson (15)

    Mike Sickles (15)

----- Appointed Boards and Committees (by Church Council, Confirmed by Voters) -------------

Sunday School Superintendent: (1yr)

    Deb Meltzer (Fall 12)

Head Usher: (1yr)

    Karl Peterson (15)

----- Currently Serving until Official Appointment by the Church Council. ------------------------

Board of Education: (2yr)

    Julie Lang (17) - Chair

    Waunita Watt (15)

    Megan Schutt (15)

    Pat Stream (Representative from PreSchool Board)

Board of Youth: (2yr)

    Dennis and Joy Brown (15) - Chair

    Troy and Deanna Peterson (15)

    Timothy and Jennifer Foglesong (15)


Stewardship: (2yr)


Mission Board: (2yr)

    Maggie Dory (15) - Chair

    Anita Wardenburg (15)

    Sue Larson (15)

     Jean Stoll (17)

----- Other Boards and Committees -------------------------------------------

Worship Altar Committee:

    Janette Lang - Chair   

    Pat Barkalow

    Chuck & Paula Bowman

    Gene & Dorothy Cook

    Sharon Eklund

    Becky Hagen

    Mike & Janette Lang

    Carla Roghair

    Radine Ward

    Phil & Anita Wardenburg

    Marti Williams

    Jean Stoll

    Hannah Shady

    Dave and Maggie Dory

    Megan Schutt

Preschool Board:

    Anita Wardenburg - Chair

    Mike Lang - Vice Chair

    Pat Stream - Secretary

    Melody Stoner

    Deb Clausen

    Becky Hagen   

    Jim Nelson

    Linda Schroeder

    Hannah Shady - Parent Representative

    Rev. Jonathan Watt - Pastoral Representative

    Joy Brown - Preschool Administrator


2014 Officers and Boards      (updated 02/11/2014)

Elections were held on October 20, 2013.

All officers, boards and committees will be installed on January 5, 2014.

----- Elected Officers -------------------------------------------

        (*Denotes Term Limit of 2 consecutive terms)

    (&Denotes limit reached)

President: (1yr*)

    Phil Wardenburg (14)

Vice President: (1yr*)

    Randy Roghair (14)

Secretary: (1yr)

    Carla Roghair (14)

Financial Secretary: (1yr*)

    Cathy Dryden (14)  (Special Election 12/15/13)

Treasurer: (1yr*)

    Cindy Nelson (14&)

Elders: (2yr*)

    Jim Nelson (Head Elder, 14&) 

    Doug Bullock (15)

    Gene Cook (15)

    Dave Dory (15)

    Jim Hagen (14&)

    Mike Lang (15)

    Mark Larson (15)

    Norm Schroeder (14&)

Trustees: (2yr)

    Byron Bilderback (14)

    Jay Bochart (14)

    Dennis Brown (14)

    Troy Peterson (14)

    Mike Sickles (15)

----- Appointed Boards and Committees (by Church Council, Confirmed by Voters) -------------

Sunday School Superintendent: (1yr)

    Deb Meltzer (Fall 12)

Head Usher: (1yr)


----- Currently Serving until Official Appointment by the Church Council. ------------------------

Board of Education: (2yr)

    Julie Lang (15)

    Waunita Watt (15)

    Megan Schutt (15)

    Pat Stream (Representative from PreSchool Board)

Board of Youth: (2yr)

    Dennis and Joy Brown (15)

    Troy and Deanna Peterson (15)

    Timothy and Jennifer Foglesong (15)


Stewardship: (2yr)


Mission Board: (2yr)

    Anita Wardenburg (15)

    Maggie Dory (15)

    Sharon Nonneman (15)

    Sue Larson (15)

----- Other Boards and Committees -------------------------------------------

Worship Altar Committee:

    Janette Lang - Chair  

    Pat Barkalow

    Chuck & Paula Bowman

    Tom & Bev Braymen

    Gene & Dorothy Cook

    Sharon Eklund

    Becky Hagen

    Julie Lang

    Mike & Janette Lang

    Carla Roghair

    Radine Ward

    Phil & Anita Wardenburg

    Marti Williams

    Jean Stoll

    Dave and Maggie Dory

    Megan Schutt

Preschool Board:

    Anita Wardenburg - Chair

    Mike Lang - Vice Chair

    Pat Stream - Secretary

    Melody Stoner

    Deb Clausen

    Becky Hagen  

    Jim Nelson

    Linda Schroeder

    Hannah Shady - Parent Representative

    Rev. Jonathan Watt - Pastoral Representative

    Joy Brown - Preschool Administrator

2013 Officers and Boards      (updated 01/10/2013)

Elections were held on November 18,2012.

All officers, boards and committees will be installed on January 13, 2013.

----- Elected Officers -------------------------------------------

        (*Denotes Term Limit of 2 consecutive terms)

    (&Denotes limit reached)

President: (1yr*)

    Charlie Bowman (13&)

Vice President: (1yr*)

    Tom Braymen (13&)

Secretary: (1yr)

    Paula Bowman (appointed)

Financial Secretary: (1yr*)

    Randy Ehms (14)

Treasurer: (1yr*)

    Mike Lang (13&)

Elders: (2yr*)

    Jim Nelson (14&) 

    Jim Hagen (14&)

    Phil Wardenburg (13&)

    Randy Roghair (13&)

    Norm Schroeder (14&)

    Karl Peterson (13&)

Trustees: (2yr)

    Byron Bilderback (14)

    Jay Bochart (14)

    Dennis Brown (14)

    Troy Peterson (14)

----- Appointed Boards and Committees (by Church Council, Confirmed by Voters) -------------

Sunday School Superintendent: (1yr)

    Deb Meltzer (Fall 12)

Head Usher: (1yr)

    Kevin Kruse (13)

----- Currently Serving until Official Appointment by the Church Council. ------------------------

Board of Education: (2yr)

    Julie Lang (12)

    Brenda Bochart (13)

    Mindy Kaufman (13)

    Candice Peterson (13)

    Pat Stream (Representative from PreSchool Board)

Board of Youth: (2yr)

    Dennis and Joy Brown (15)

    Troy and Deanna Peterson (15)

    Timothy and Jennifer Foglesong (15)


Stewardship: (2yr)

    Randy Ehm (13)  

    Dennis Brown (13)

    Steve Bradley (13)

Mission Board: (2yr)

    Anita Wardenburg (13)

    Cindy Nelson (13)

    Carla Roghair (13)

----- Other Boards and Committees -------------------------------------------

Worship Altar Committee:

    Janette Lang - Chair  

    Pat Barkalow

    Chuck & Paula Bowman

    Tom & Bev Braymen

    Gene & Dorothy Cook

    Sharon Eklund

    Becky Hagen

    Julie Lang

    Mike & Janette Lang

    Carla Roghair

    Radine Ward

    Phil & Anita Wardenburg

    Marti Williams

    Jean Stoll

    Dave and Maggie Dory

    Megan Schutt

Preschool Board:

    Anita Wardenburg - Chair

    Mike Lang - Vice Chair

    Pat Stream - Secretary

    Melody Stoner

    Deb Clausen

    Becky Hagen  

    Jim Nelson

    Linda Schroeder

    Dory Clausen - Parent Representative

    Rev. Jonathan Watt - Pastoral Representative

    Joy Brown - Preschool Administrator

2012 Officers and Boards      (updated 09/12/2012)

Elections were held on November 6,2011.

All officers, boards and committees will be installed on January 15, 2012.

----- Elected Officers -------------------------------------------

        (*Denotes Term Limit of 2 consecutive terms)

    (&Denotes limit reached)

President: (1yr*)

    Charlie Bowman (13)

Vice President: (1yr*)

    Tom Braymen (13)

Secretary: (1yr)

    Paula Bowman (appointed)

Financial Secretary: (1yr*)

    Kevin Kruse (13&)

Treasurer: (1yr*)

    Mike Lang (13)

Elders: (2yr*)

    Jim Nelson (13)  

    Jim Hagen (13)

   Phil Wardenburg (14&)

    Randy Roghair (14&)

    Norm Schroeder (14&)

    Karl Peterson (14&)

Trustees: (2yr)

    Byron Bilderback (14&)

    Jay Bochart (14&)

    Dennis Brown (14&)

    Troy Peterson (14&)

----- Appointed Boards and Committees (by Church Council, Confirmed by Voters) -------------

Sunday School Superintendent: (1yr)

    Deb Meltzer (Fall 12)

Head Usher: (1yr)

    John Wolfe (13)

----- Currently Serving until Official Appointment by the Church Council. ------------------------

Board of Education: (2yr)

    Julie Lang (11) - Chair

    Brenda Bochart (12)

    Mindy Kaufman (12)

    Candice Peterson (12)

    Pat Stream (Representative from PreSchool Board)

Board of Youth: (2yr)

    Waunita Watt (12) - Chair

    Joy Brown

    Deana Peterson

    Mickenzie Hagen (12)

    Lisa Wolf (12)

    Kayla Davidson (13)

    Tessa Wardenburg (13)


Stewardship: (2yr)

    Steve Bradley (12)

    Dennis Brown (12)

    Randy Ehm (12)

Mission Board: (2yr)

    Anita Wardenburg (12) - Chair

    Cindy Nelson (12)

    Carla Roghair (12)

----- Other Boards and Committees -------------------------------------------

Worship Altar Committee:

    Janette Lang - Chair   

    Pat Barkalow

    Chuck & Paula Bowman

    Steve & Judy Bradley

    Bev Braymen

    Gene & Dorothy Cook

    Sharon Eklund

    Becky Hagen

    Julie Lang

    Mike & Janette Lang

    Carla Roghair

    Radine Ward

    Anita Wardenburg

    Marti Williams

    Jean Stoll

    Dave and Maggie Dory

    Megan Schutt

Preschool Board:

    Anita Wardenburg - Chair

    Mike Lang - Vice Chair

    Pat Stream - Secretary

    Melody Stoner

    Deb Clausen

    Becky Hagen   

    Jim Nelson

    Linda Schroeder

    Dory Clausen - Parent Representative

    Rev. Jonathan Watt - Pastoral Representative

    Joy Brown - Preschool Administrator

2011 Officers and Boards      (updated 10/17/2011)

Elections were held on October 17, 2010.  All officers, boards and committees will be installed on January 9, 2010.

Elected Officers -------------------------------------------

        (*Denotes Term Limit of 2 consecutive terms)

President: (1yr*)

    Gene Cook (12)

Vice President: (1yr*)

    Bill Magers (12)

Secretary: (1yr)

    Mike Lang (12)

Financial Secretary: (1yr*)

    Kevin Kruse (12)

Treasurer: (1yr*)

    Tom Brayman (12)

Elders: (2yr*)

    Jim Nelson (13) - Chair

    Karl Peterson (12)

    Jack Quee (12)

    Randy Roghair (12)

    Phil Wardenburg (12)

    Jim Hagen (13)

Trustees: (2yr)

    Byron Bilderback (12) -Chair

    Jay Bochart (12)

    Dennis Brown (12)

    Troy Peterson (12)

    John Wolf (12)

Appointed Officers (by Church Council, Confirmed by Voters) ------------------------------

Board of Education: (2yr)

    Julie Lang (11) - Chair

    Brenda Bochart (12)

    Mindy Kaufman (12)

    Candice Peterson (12)

    Pat Stream (Representative from PreSchool Board)

Sunday School Superintendent: (1yr)

    Carla Roghair (Fall 11)

Board of Youth: (2yr)

    Waunita Watt (12) - Chair

    Joy Brown

    Deana Peterson

    Mickenzie Hagen (12)

    Lisa Wolf (12)

    Kayla Davidson (13)

    Tessa Wardenburg (13)


Stewardship: (2yr)

    Steve Bradley (12)

    Dennis Brown (12)

    Randy Ehm (12)

Mission Board: (2yr)

    Anita Wardenburg (12) - Chair

    Cindy Nelson (12)

    Carla Roghair (12)

Head Usher: (1yr)

    John Wolfe (12)

Other Boards and Committees -------------------------------------------

Worship Altar Committee:

    Janette Lang - Chair   

    Pat Barkalow

    Chuck & Paula Bowman

    Steve & Judy Bradley

    Bev Braymen

    Gene & Dorothy Cook

    Sharon Eklund

    Becky Hagen

    Julie Lang

    Mike & Janette Lang

    Carla Roghair

    Radine Ward

    Anita Wardenburg

    Marti Williams

Preschool Board:

    Anita Wardenburg - Chair

    Mike Lang - Vice Chair

    Pat Stream - Secretary

    Melody Stoner

    Deb Clausen

    Becky Hagen   

    Jim Nelson

    Linda Schroeder

    Dory Clausen - Parent Representative

    Rev. Jonathan Watt - Pastoral Representative

    Joy Brown - Preschool Administrator

2010 Officers and Boards         (Updated 9/21/2010)

    All officers and board members will be installed January 3, 2010

    (Chairs to be elected at first monthly meeting)  (* 2 term limit applies)


Elected Officers -------------------------------------------

President: (1yr*)

    Gene Cook (11)

Vice President: (1yr*)

    Bill Magers (11)

Secretary: (1yr*)

    Marti Williams (11)

Financial Secretary: (1yr*)

    Paul Kearney (11)

Treasurer: (1yr*)

    Tom Brayman (11)

Elders: (2yr*)

    Kevin Kruse (11) - Head Elder (11*)

    Chuck Bowman (11*)

    Karl Peterson (12)

    Jack Quee (12)

    Randy Roghair (12)

    Phil Wardenburg (12)

Trustees: (2yr)

    Byron Bilderback (12) -Chair

    Jay Bochart (12)

    Dennis Brown (12)

    Jim Hagen (11)

    Troy Peterson (12)

    John Wolf (12)

Appointed Officers (by Church Council, Confirmed by Voters) ------------------------------

Board of Education: (2yr)

    Julie Lang (11) - Chair

    Brenda Bochart (12)

    Mindy Kaufman (12)

    Candice Peterson (12)

Sunday School Superintendent: (1yr)

    Carla Roghair (11)

Board of Youth: (2yr)

    Waunita Watt (12) - Chair

    Mickenzie Hagen (12)

    Lisa Wolf (12)

Stewardship: (2yr)

    Steve Bradley (12)

    Dennis Brown (12)

    Randy Ehm (12)

Mission Board: (2yr)

    Anita Wardenburg (12) - Chair

    Deb Clausen (12)

    Cindy Nelson (12)

    Carla Roghair (12)

Head Usher: (1yr)

    Jim Nelson (11)

Other Boards and Committees -------------------------------------------

Worship Altar Committee:

    Janette Lang - Chair   

    Pat Barkalow

    Chuck & Paula Bowman

    Steve & Judy Bradley

    Bev Braymen

    Gene & Dorothy Cook

    Sharon Eklund

    Becky Hagen

    Julie Lang

    Mike & Janette Lang

    Carla Roghair

    Radine Ward

    Anita Wardenburg

    Marti Williams

Preschool Board:

    Anita Wardenburg - Chair

    Linda Schroeder

    Dena Chapman

    Deb Clausen

    Becky Hagen   

    Jim Nelson

    Pat Stream

2009 Officers and Board Members

All officers and Board Members will be installed on Sunday, January 11, 2009.

President - Karl Peterson

Vice-President - Tom Braymen

Secretary – Becky Hagen

Treasurer - Mike Lang

Financial Sec. - Paul Kearney


Kevin Kruse - Head Elder

Jim Nelson, Gene Cook, Byron Bilderback, Bill Magers, Chuck Bowman


Phil Wardenburg - Chair

Jim Hagen Jay Bochart, Norm Schroeder, Troy Peterson

Preschool Board

Linda Schroeder - Chair

Anita Wardenburg - Co-Chair

Jim Nelson, Becky Hagen, Dena Chapman, Deb Clausen, Pat Stream, Marge Scott

Board of Education

Julie Lang - Chair

Carla Roghair -  S.S. Supt.

Waunita Watt - Youth

Randy Roghair, Pat Stream

Worship/Altar Comm

Janette Lang - Chair

(includes Altar Committee & Organists)

Board of Stewardship

TBA - Chairman

Randy Ehm, Dennis Brown, Steve Bradley

Board of Missions

TBA - Anita Wardenburg

Carla Roghair, Deb Clausen, Cindy Nelson

Head Usher - Jim Kneedler