Post date: Apr 12, 2013 7:53:41 PM

This Week at Trinity

Sun Apr 14 Preschool Children Sing

IDW Pastor's Conf - Carroll, IA

8:00am Divine Service (Mount Ayr)

9:30am Divine Service (HC)

11:00am S.S. and Adult Bible Class

Mon Apr 15 IDW Pastor's Conference

7:00pm LifeLight Bible Study

Tue Apr 16 IDW Pastor's Conference

6:30am Early Risers (McDonalds)

9:00am Handy Helpers

1:30pm LifeLight Bible Study

6:00pm Adult Confirmation Classes

Wed Apr 17 6:00pm F.L.O.C.K.

6:00pm Confirmation Class

7:30pm Board of Missions

Sun Apr 21 Caring for Your Neighbor - Food Bank

8:00am Divine Service (Mount Ayr)

9:30am Divine Service

11:00am S.S. Adult Bible Class

11:30am Voter's Meeting

6:30pm Youth Group

Attendance Report

Sunday, April 7, 2013 - 91

General Information

You can now access the church directory online! You can also update your church database information. Please talk to Pastor Watt if you want to get access. Call, eMail or in person. (515)462-0566 or

A reminder! If you give pastor Watt a prayer request during the Sunday service and you want the prayer for multiple Sundays. Please fill out a Prayer Request sheet (found on the narthex table) and place it in the "prayer requests" mail box.

Word for Today Devotions are available by phone. Call (901) 328-7672. Regular long distance charges apply.

If you wish to provide flowers for the altar please eMail and/or use the Altar Flower sheet in the signup book on the Narthex table (be sure to notify pastor in writing, a pad is provided on the narthex table). The altar flower schedule can be found on the church web page. Look for "Altar Flowers" in the main menu or navigate to

Serving At Trinity

Sun Apr 14 Organist: Sharon Eklund

Acolytes: Devon Peterson; Cassidy Riley

Ushers: Dennis Foglesong, Tim Foglesong, Dean Hadley Jim Hagen,

Finance: Dennis Brown, Joyce Kruse

Altar Com: Chuck & Paula Bowman

Elder: Jim Nelson

Sun Apr 21

Ushers: Dennis Foglesong, Tim Foglesong, Dean Hadley Jim Hagen,

Finance: Dennis Brown, Joyce Kruse

Acolytes: Hannah Watt; Kolby Tomas

Elder: Jim Nelson

Altar Com: Chuck & Paula Bowman

Upcoming Event at Trinity

Looking forward to Confirmation: This year confirmation will be on May 12 (Mother's Day). There are five students in 8th grade. Please continue to pray as they prepare to confess their faith before the congregation on that day. Questioning will be on May 8th at 7:00 pm.

Check these items out!

New Coffee Maker - Thanks to Greg Cook and BUNN we have a new coffee maker. Nice donation to our Kitchen.

Acoustical Tiles— The preschool is working on installing the tiles. Thank you to all for helping with the project.


CAMP OKOBOJI 2013 PROGRAM BROCHURES ARE AVAILABLE ON THE NARTHEX TABLE.... Live Loved is the theme for 2013. Consider sending your child or sponsoring a young person to attend one of these week long camps.

If you are interested in hosting a bible study in your home please contact Pastor Watt

KFUO Sharathon April 18 – 20th: This week join listeners around the world and guests, such as Rev. Matthew Harrison and Dr. Reed Lessing, as they encourage everyone to support the worldwide ministry of KFUO during Sharathon 2013, our on-air fundraiser. Help KFUO take the Good News of Christ’s resurrection to the ends of the earth. Live streaming on your computer, laptop, tablet, iPhones, smartphones, WiFi radio, and archived at Like us on

Men's work day - Saturday, April 27 - IDW is partnering with Lutheran Hour Men's Ministry on their national men's work day. Go to to register your group. A great opportunity to gather men, including those outside the congregation, to do something to serve your community or those in need. If you have an idea for something that could be done in your area, please contact Mark Gerken at

“With so much abortion taking place, let us not consider it a lost cause and give up. No, many battles have been won, and every battle is a victory—every saved life a real person. I believe that there are thousands alive today who otherwise would not have been without pro-life action. Are not these saved lives worth the effort? Yes, they are!” George Verwer, founder and former international director of Operation Mobilization – A “Life Quote” from Lutherans For Life


Building Healthy Families: Listen to the news on any given evening and you will be inundated with accounts of terrible things that are happening, both here in Iowa and around the world. It’s easy to feel hopeless and overwhelmed. This week, take a few minutes to commit Jesus’ words to memory and recall them whenever you hear bad news: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Lutheran Family Service of Iowa Des Moines, IA (515) 251-4900

Please remember to bring a few items for the Creston food bank next week. The mission board has designate the third Sunday of every month as 'Caring for Your Neighbor' Sunday.

Spring Volunteer Weekend Camp Okoboji will be Friday, April 26th - Sunday, April 28th. Help is needed to prepare the camp for the busy summer months. Camp will provide meals and lodging to all those volunteering. There will be an Omelet Brunch from 9:30 until 12:30 with a free will offering. The funds will go for project around the camp and the Annual Fund. Call (7120 337-3325 or email camp ( to make reservations.

SPIRITUAL & RELIGIOUS...Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week's topics include: Christians & Mental Illness, Dinosaurs, Creation & the Flood, Parallels Between Muhammad & Joseph Smith, The Occult, Church Architecture, 11th Century Theologian Anselm of Canterbury and more. You can listen on-demand at

Why do we open up the Baptismal Font during Holy Communion? Simple, to remind you of your Baptism. Through it you were made God's child. You were marked with "the sign of the cross both upon your forehead and upon your heart, to mark you as one redeemed by Christ the Crucified." If you wish you can dip your fingers in the water and remember your baptism by retracing the cross on your forehead.

Life Together

Handy Helpers quilting meet this Tuesday and the third Tuesday of every month thru April.

Thank you to my Trinity Family for your cards, calls and well wishes on my birthday. Frieda Porter

Martin and Diana Herzberg - Thank you so much for the support you have provided to our family. Your financial support, prayers, and encouragement are so greatly appreciated. Many blessings and thanks to you.

The preschool Obstacle-a-Thon has been completed and was an amazing success! Thank you to everyone who donated, prayed and helped during this time. Our acoustical tiles will soon be up, helping us maintain a better learning environment for us all. A special thank you to Margaret Kneedler and Linda Schroeder for staying ALL day and helping make the day a success! You know it was a great day when one preschooler remarked "When do we stop playing and do the REAL thing?" Thank you again! God's Blessings to you all!~ Trinity Preschool

Convention Nominations for LCMSGREAT PLAINS REGION VICE-PRESIDENT (Including Iowa) Nabil S. Nour - 84 Ronald M. Garwood - 30 Steven D. Turner - 22 Gene D. Bauman - 20 Mark J. Buchhop - 19. The Election will be held in July at the Synod Convention.

Convention Nominations for President of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has been completed. Of those receiving the highest number of nominating votes for the office of President, the following three candidates have given their consent to serve if elected: Matthew C. Harrison - 1,111 Herbert C. Mueller, Jr. - 140 David P. E. Maier - 126. The election will be held electronically four weeks before the Synod Convention.


Christian Care: Jane, George, Jabes, Jefery our sponsored orphans in Africa;

Cancer: Bethany Gurich; Kenneth Goeglein (Brother of Dorothy Cook); Rheanna Miller (Kindergartener);

Illness, Injury, Surgery & Recovering: Addison Veach; Bill Reidy (Brother-in-Law of Marti Williams) awaiting a liver transplant; Cindy Ray (Preschool Helper); Ethan Bulgrin (great newphew of Maggie and Dave Dory) Born March 1st recovering from heart surgery. Jason Riley; Jeanne Herzberg; Mallory Williams.

Military: Aaron Hoogland (Nephew of Carla Roghair); Bo Beeman-Persian Gulf (Nephew of Chuck & Paula Bowman); Carl Green (Grand Nephew of Gene Cook); David Davenport-Afganistan (Nephew of Chuck ); Michael Kaufman;

Missions: Concordia Mission Society; Dr Oliver (Seminary in Taiwan); Ivan and Jennifer Rasch, Africa; Pastor Daniel Vogel, Hispanic Missions in Iowa; Pastor Dennis Konkel, Deaf Missions in Iowa;

Seminary Students: Timothy Meyer, Bart Rall, Chris Troxel, and Martin Herzberg;

Shutins: Mary Carson; Frieda Porter; Lonny Riley; Ruth Chase; Wilma Cottrell; Jeanne Herzberg;