
 The Third Sunday after Pentecost

Announcements: June 9, 2024

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church




The Third Sunday after Pentecost on June 9,  2024

Genesis 3:8-15

2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1



Mark 3:20-35


20 Then he went home, and the crowd gathered again, so that they could not even eat. 21 And when his family heard it, they went out to seize him, for they were saying, “He is out of his mind.”

Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit

22 And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying, “He is possessed by Beelzebul,” and “by the prince of demons he casts out the demons.” 23 And he called them to him and said to them in parables, “How can Satan cast out Satan? 24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25 And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. 26 And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but is coming to an end. 27 But no one can enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. Then indeed he may plunder his house.

28 “Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”— 30 for they were saying, “He has an unclean spirit.”

Jesus' Mother and Brothers

31 And his mother and his brothers came, and standing outside they sent to him and called him. 32 And a crowd was sitting around him, and they said to him, “Your mother and your brothers[a] are outside, seeking you.” 33 And he answered them, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” 34 And looking about at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! 35 For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother.”


 Prayer List


Larry Shimono (member)

Jo Ehm (member)

Otto Guiter (grandson of Kathy Parker)

Melissa Starmer

Dannie Stephens

Lynn Shawley (mother of Deron Shawley)

Owen Tracy (friend of Deb Melzer)

Bob Sickels (father of Mike Sickels)

Tyson Stuart



On-going health concerns, Hospitalized, or Surgery/Recovery:

Mark Andresen (nephew of Dennis & Jean Foglesong)

Dick Stream (brother of Cindy Isdahl)

Kevin Larsen (brother of Mark Larsen)

John Needles (friend of Mitzie Cellan)

Anna Needles (friend of Mitzie Cellan)

Marshall & Beverly Fulks (friends of Cooks)

Alice Melzer (sister-in-law of Deb Melzer)

Martin Herzberg (son of Bruce and Beth Herzberg)

Corene Walter

Bob Eklund


Shut-ins: Clara Buchanan, Cathy Dryden




 Kyle Marchok (husband of Lola Hembry’s granddaughter)



Missions: Concordia Mission Society

Pastor James and Christel Neuendorf (Puerto Rico)

Pastor Daniel Vogel (Denison Hispanic Ministry)

Pastor James and Angela Sharp and Family (Uruguay)

Pastor Stephen and Maggie Oliver and Family (Taiwan)

Life Care Clinic, (Stuart, Creston & Atlantic)

Trinity Preschool (Creston)



Thanksgiving:  Prayer of thanksgiving for the  many blessings 

given to Darwin and Marge Scott during their 50 years of

marriage. Their anniversary was yesterday, June 8.



                             This Week at Trinity 


Sun., June 9     8:00 am   Bible Class in Creston 

                          9:00 am   Divine Service/HC in Creston

                        10:00 am   Fellowship Time in Creston & Mt. Ayr

                        10:00 am   Sunday School in Creston

                        11:00 am   Divine Service in Mt. Ayr



Sun., June 16   H/C in both services due to not H/C on June 23

                          8:00 am   Bible Class in Creston 

                          9:00 am   Divine Service/HC in Creston

                        10:00 am   Trustees’ Meeting in FH (CR)

                        10:00 am   Fellowship Time in Creston & Mt. Ayr

                        10:00 am   Sunday School in Creston

                        11:00 am   Divine Service/HC in Mt. Ayr

                          6:00 pm   Food and Fellowship in Creston


Mon., June 17  Bloodmobile in FH (CR)



Tues., June 18-Fri., June 21   VBS in Creston 9:00-11:30 a.m. 


Sun., June 23  10:00 a.m.  Divine Service in Creston

                          No service in Mt. Ayr today.

                          Potluck to follow the service.  Bring a dish to share.                  




Attendance from last Sunday,  June 2, 2024

Creston 65

Mt. Ayr Communed 8


When writing down names on the attendance side of the attendance cards, remember to include any children who are attending church with you. 



 Phone Numbers for Pastor Rutz

To reach Pastor Rutz  phone the church office at

(641-782-5095) Ext. 3

Or, you may reach Pastor at 712-621-5971 (cell)

Pastor’s email is:



Email Address for the Office Assistant


When you have announcements that need to be included in the weekly announcements, please turn them in by noon on Wednesdays.



Serving at Trinity on Sunday,  June 9,  2024

Accompanists (CR)  Melody Stoner (MA) Greg Storhoff                                      

Ushers in June: (CR) Bruce Herzberg, Kevin Kruse, Dennis Brown


Elder of the month for June:   (CR) Dane Wardenburg  (MA) Doug Gooding


Finance Team in June: Dennis Brown & Joyce Kruse

Altar Guild for June:  Sharon Eklund & Cindy Isdahl



VISITORS:  We are so glad you joined us today.  We do collect offerings during our  worship services.  While we

believe this is a chance for each believer to be a good steward of the gifts they have received from God, you are welcome but not expected to give an offering while you are our guest.  If you would like to learn more about the Lord’s ministry here at Trinity please call Pastor Rutz. 

He would love to get acquainted and visit at a time that is convenient for you. You are also invited to join members in the fellowship hall after the 9:00 service or prior to the 11:00 service for a time of fellowship.



Attendance Cards: Visitors and members are asked to fill out an attendance card and to list names of each family member in attendance.  Turn in your card at the back of the church at the end of the service. 

On Sundays when there is Holy Communion please list the names of those who will be communing on the Holy Communion registration side of the card.

If you have moved or your phone number or email address have changed, please note any changes on the attendance card so that we can update our records in the office.


Weekly bulletins, announcements, and sermons continue to be available on the church website.


Children in the Divine Service Sheets are available from the basket in the back of the church.   These are different than the former children’s bulletins and produced by the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Parents are encouraged to read these to/with their children.  Each week will have a short explanation of a different part of the church service or about something found in the church.  They another way to aid parents in teaching their children.

Baby Bottle Boomerang Fundraiser for LcClinic ends next Sunday, June 16.  If you participated, you may place your bottle back in the tub in the narthex. If you’re in Mt. Ayr you may send it up in the transfer box.  Someone from the clinic will pick them up.


Flowers:  Today’s flowers were given by Darwin and Marge Scott in thankfulness for the many blessings they have received during their 50 years of marriage.  Their 50th anniversary was yesterday, June 8.

Welcome to New Members:  We welcome Donna Badgett and Randy Miller into membership at Trinity.  They  received into membership by adult confirmation during the service in Creston last Sunday.


Elders will NOT meet in June.

LWML Convention Alexis Swanson will be attending LWML Convention this week as a Young Women’s Rep.  If you would like to make a donation for the Mission Walk at Convention please give your donation to Alexis before this Thursday, June 13th. Checks should be payable to “LWML IWD” and can also be mailed to Alexis  at 1723 110th St., Creston so that she rec


Holy Communion will be in both services on June 16 due to not having it during the outdoor service on June 23.

VBS  Next Week—Tuesday June 18-Friday June 21 from 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. at Trinity in Creston. 

Help Still Needed  For VBS

¨ More helpers are still needed to assist kids in going from area to area, in supervising outdoor play, with checking kids in each morning, and  as kitchen help. The more helping hands, the better. If you can only help some of the mornings come when you can.  

¨ If you have children who plan to attend VBS and you have not enrolled them yet, please pick up a flyer from the table in the narthex with directions how to enroll online.

¨ If you have any empty 16 oz. peanut butter jars or similar type with lids they are needed for a craft.  You may drop them off in the NE room in fellowship hall or drop off in the office.

¨ At the time of this printing, more muffins, eggs, and bananas were still needed for snacks.  Sign up sheet is on the table in the narthex.

Outdoor Service:  On Sunday, June 23 we will have an outdoor service in Creston at 10:00 a.m.   There will be no service in Mt. Ayr that morning. Bring your lawn chairs.  A potluck will follow the service.  Bring a dish to share.

Building Healthy Families: How many hours each day do you spend on social media? How many watching TV? Playing golf? Shopping? Gaming online? Working? Although these activities in themselves are not bad, hobbies, habits and jobs can take a great amount of time, replacing more important things if we let them. Psalms 90:12 instructs, “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” May you wisely live out your days on earth, spending time with your Creator and those He has created to share your life with you. Lutheran Family Service www.LutheranFamilyService.org