The Sixteenth Sunday after pentecost

Post date: Sep 11, 2015 6:55:58 PM

Sun Sep 13 IDW Fall Pastor’s Conference

Des Moines

8:00 am Divine Service (MA)

9:30 am Bible Study/SS (MA)

9:45 am Divine Service/ HC (CR)

11:00 am Sun School/ Bible Class (CR)

6:00 pm Preschool Board

Mon Sep 14 IDW Fall Pastor’s Conference

Des Moines

Tue Sep 15 IDW Fall Pastor’s Conference

Des Moines

9:00am Handy Helpers-Quilting 11:30 am Streams of Living Water

Sermon Broadcast

Wed Sep 16 6:00pm Confirmation Class

7:30pm Church Council

Sun Sep 20 Caring for Your Neighbor Foodbank

8:00 am Divine Service (/HCMA)

9:30 am Bible Study/SS (MA)

9:45 am Divine Service (CR)

11:00 am Sun School/ Bible Class (CR

2:00pm IDW Life Conference (Ida Grove)

Cancer: Al Davis; Dale Kirk; Ethel Campbell; GaryMeek; Grace Weese; Jamie Boos;Jeff Bierle; Jerry Carson; Kristi Appelhans; Larry Davis; Linda Hasstedt; Mady Henson; Marilyn Dwyer; Merle Triggs; Mike Rollings; Pam Koring; Pastor Paul Garchow: Randy Nemitz; Rhonda Smith; Steve Rall; Ted Bader;

General: Lloyd Miller and Mark Daniel Williams;

We pray that God would continue to lead people to work in His Church as Pastors and Teachers.

IIS&R: Gavin VanZee; Jaxson Flint for medial testing in Texas; Marie Burmeister; Velma Lorenz; The Fuller Family;

Military: Aaron Hoogland; Michael Kaufman;

Nathan Nonneman;

Missions: Concordia Mission Society;

Dr Oliver, Seminary Professor in Taiwan;

James and Christel Neuendorf (Dominican Republic);

Pastor Daniel Vogel (Hispanic Missions in Iowa);

Pastor Dennis and Susan Konkel (Deaf Missions in Iowa);

Pastor Herb and Markie Burch (Peru);

Pastor James and Angela Sharp and Family (Uruguay);

Pastor Joel and Clarion Fritsche and Family (Dominican Republic);

Seminary Students: Timothy Meyer, Chris Troxel, Martin Herzberg; and Luke Watt;

Shutins: Don Campbell, May Carlisle, Mary Carson, Wilma Cottrell, Jeanne Herzberg, Irene Hogue, Freida Porter, Lonny Riley;

LWML Fall Rally at Trinity, Shenandoah, IA on Saturday, October 24, 2015. Registration begins at The cost is $6.00. Karon Killion will present the program "In The Steps of Luther" . The Ingathering project is 1 towel, 1 washcloth and a bar of soap to be given to the Orphan Grain Train. Thanks, Maggie

LifeLight Bible Study will resume on Monday, September 21 at 6:30 p.m. and at 1:30 p.m.

Please NOTE! The Council Meeting on September 16 will be at 7:30pm.

Please remember to tell Pastor Watt (email works best) if you are planning to provide flowers for the altar, even if you have written it on the altar flower calendar on the narthex table. Thanks Pastor Watt.

The Annual Altar Committee will meet Oct 27 at 7:30 pm. Anyone interested in serving on the Altar Committee is welcome to attend. No commitment is required.

The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God in memory of Ruth Chase by her family.

The LWML mite box will be setting out the whole month of September.

This school year the Mission Board is once again encouraging the members of Trinity to prayerfully consider the Adopt-a-Child Program. In the next couple of weeks a list of the children will be available and there will be a where you can receive information of each child and their family to make your choice. A letter was sent out to all our members a few weeks ago in regards to this program. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to speak with one of the Mission Board members-Anita Wardenburg, Jean Stoll, Susan Larsen or Maggie Dory. Thank you for your consideration. The Mission Board


We do collect offerings during our worship services. While we believe this is a chance for each believer to be a good steward of the gifts they have received from God, we do not expect you to give an offering while you are our guest.

There will be a special LWML service on with the ladies also serving "goodies" during fellowship time. There will be other baked items for sale to take home and all proceeds taken in will go for mites. There is a sign up sheet in the white notebook on the table in the narthex if you care to bake an item or two. If you have any questions you can talk with Janice Nook or Maggie Dory.


A reminder! If you give pastor Watt a prayer request during the Sunday service and you want the prayer for multiple Sundays please ALSO fill out a Prayer Request sheet (found on the narthex table) and place it in the "prayer requests" mail box.


Join Early Risers for Bible reading and discussion 6:30am every Tuesday morning now meeting in the fellowship hall. Breakfast now being served.