Senior Youth Group - Exotic Pop Tasting

Post date: Oct 18, 2010 2:24:03 PM

On October 17, 2010 four members of the senior youth group at Trinity participated in their First Annual Exotic Pop Tasting Party. Such exotic soda pops as Rose, Mistletoe, Mr. Q Cumber. It was decided that some thing shouldn't be pop flavors.

The meeting started out with a YouTube video by Pastor Jonathan Fisk "Lutheranism for Attractive People (in Turkey)". We learned that many of our friends are missing half of the wonderful message of the Gospel. That is grace alone, faith alone, scripture alone, Christ alone, Word and Sacrament... alone. A lively discussion followed.

After the tasting members of the group wrote their confirmation verses on the newly finished youth room wall.

The next youth group meeting will be November 21.

More pictures can be seen at