Post date: Sep 29, 2011 9:59:12 PM


LWML Sunday: Please celebrate with us the work of God through Lutheran Women in Mission. All this month the Mighty Mite box will be in the back of the church. Help with the work of spreading the Gospel of Jesus to all nations.

GRACE, FAITH, SCRIPTURE & CHRIST ALONE…Do any of these topics interest you?: Abraham, Understanding Old Testament Chronology, Joseph Forgives, The Parable of the Wedding Feast and more. Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken and produced by Lutheran Public Radio. You can listen at your convenience at


Building Healthy Families: October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Be sure to let your pastor know what a special gift he is to your church by sending him a little note of encouragement or simply by keeping him in your daily prayers. He and his family will appreciate your support. Lutheran Family Service of Iowa (515) 251-4900

Life Quote: “The desired outcome of God’s adoption plan for us is heaven. That is the ultimate concern for the Christian as well. When a child is conceived, whatever the circumstances, a Christian’s first concern is for that child’s salvation. Subsequent decisions and plans need always to bear this in mind … an adoption plan gives opportunity to place a child in an environment that will nurture and uphold that child’s eternal welfare.” Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, executive director of Lutherans For Life – A “Life Quote” from Lutherans For Life –

Life Together

Attendance Report: September 25: 81; Holy Communion 66;

Titus Talks: A Dialog with Iowa District West Congregation. In preparation for the upcoming District (Summer 2012) and Synod (Summer 2013) conventions representatives from the IDW District are meeting we every congregation. On October 4, at 7:30pm Rev. Steve Hayden will be here at Trinity. Please come to discuss our church, the district and the synod at this important meeting. In preparation for this meeting we will be having a congregational discussion following worship on October 2 (in place of Adult bible class).

Announcements for the Electronic sign in the Narthex can be emailed to pastor or placed in the Announcements mailbox.

Sunday School Teachers meetings will be the second Sunday of every month following Sunday school / Bible Classes. Bring a sack lunch.

The Acolyte Schedule has changed! Please check your list to make sure it is the most recent version! (dated 8/1/11) Copies posted on the church office and fellowship hall bulletin boards. And the Church web page!

The Junior and Senior Youth groups will meet next Sunday at 7pm.

Worship and Altar Committee Annual meeting will be October 25 at 7:30pm.

This Week at Trinity

Sun Oct 2 8:00am Divine Service (First Lutheran)

9:30am Divine Service

11:00am Congregational Meeting. Titus Talk Preparation.

Mon Oct 3 Pastor's Day Off

9:00am Confessions Reading Group

7:00pm LifeLight Bible Study

Tue Oct 4 6:30am Early Risers (McDonalds)

1:30pm Streams of Living Water, Sermon Broadcast

1:30pm LifeLight Bible Study

7:00pm Rachel Circle

7:30pm "Titus Talk" - Special Congregational Meeting

with Iowa District West Representative

- Rev. Steve Hayden

Wed Oct 5 6:00pm Jr. Confirmation

7:30pm Board of Elders

Sun Oct 9 8:00am Divine Service (First Lutheran)

9:30am Divine Service

11:00am Sunday School Adult Bible Class

12:00pm Sunday School Teacher's Meeting

7:00pm Youth Group and Jr. Youth Group

Serving at Trinity

Sun Oct 2

Elder: Karl Peterson

Ushers: Eric Eklund, Jacy Eklund, Jim Nelson, Randy Ringsdorf

Altar: Becky Hagen, Anita Wardenburg, Carla Roghair

Finance: Jim and Cindy Nelson, Eric and Jeanna Eklund

Acolyte: Alex Brown; Kolby Tomas

Organist: Sharon Eklund

Sun Oct 9

Elder: Karl Peterson

Ushers: Eric Eklund, Jacy Eklund, Jim Nelson, Randy Ringsdorf

Altar: Becky Hagen, Anita Wardenburg, Carla Roghair

Finance: Jim and Cindy Nelson, Eric and Jeanna Eklund

Acolyte: Cali Fogelsong; Caitlyn Bargstadt

Pianist: Julie Lang

In Your Prayers

Christian Care: Jane, George, Jabes, Jefery our sponsored orphans in Africa;

Cancer: Carol Henning; Don Sychra; Dorothy Decker; Jaque Claubaugh (niece of Paula Bowman); Jeanne Herzberg (Surgery Sept 27); Kathrine Adams; Melissa Viers; Ray Nuzum; Robin Kemp; Terri Hudson; Vivian Herzberg (daughter of Lawrence & Jeanne Herzberg);

Condolences: Curley Stream; Family of Connie Hansen; Family of Connor Klommhaus (First Lutheran) Killed in a car accident Friday night;

Illness, Injury, Facing Surgery and Recovering: Bob Eklund; Brenda Cook; (Non malignant brain tumor); Doyle Embry; Velma Lorenz;

Military: Carl Green (Grand Nephew of Gene Cook), Afghanistan;

Missions: Concordia Mission Society; Dr Oliver (Seminary in Taiwan); Ivan and Jennifer Rasch, Africa; Pastor Daniel Vogel, Hispanic Missions in Iowa; Pastor Dennis Konkel, Deaf Missions in Iowa;

Shutins: Al Schroeder; Lonny Riley; Ruth Chase; Wilma Cottrell, Pauline Young;