Post date: Oct 7, 2011 1:51:52 PM


If you are interested in hosting a bible study in your home please contact Pastor Watt

Kids kindergarten through 4th grade: Join the FLOCK (Fellowship & Love Offered to Christ's Kids) at 6:00 on the Third Wednesday of every month. We'll learn of Jesus' love and forgiveness through games, crafts, fellowship and fun! At this time, we'll meet just once a month on the third Wednesday. We look forward to seeing you in October! (Questions, please contact Julie Lang or Tammy Hudson)

EQUIPPING THE PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS...Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show produced by Lutheran Public Radio and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. Topics include: Preaching, Paying the Imperial Tax to Caesar, The Birth of Moses, The Great Schism of 1054 and more. You can listen to what you want when you want at

Word for Today Devotions are available by phone. Call (901) 328-7672. Regular long distance charges apply.

LWML Mites!: Please celebrate with us the work of God through Lutheran Women in Mission. All this month the Mighty Mite box will be in the back of the church. Help with the work of spreading the Gospel of Jesus to all nations.

What is Apologetics? Defending the faith. Now available for purchase $10 for the whole set. Find these CDs in the Trinity Bookstore in the fellowship hall. Topics: "Introduction to Apologetics" "Why Defend the Christian Faith?" "Answering the Objections of Unbelievers" and "Testing the Truth Claims of Christianity" Talk to Pastor Watt if you have questions.


Building Healthy Families: Saint Peter compares the suffering we endure in this life to a refiner’s fire, working to purify our faith. Lutheran Family Service, through its Christ-centered counseling services, seeks to help people understand the difficulties in their life through the eyes of faith. If you or someone you know is in the midst of unbearable suffering, please contact your local LFS office. Lutheran Family Service of Iowa (515) 251-4900

Life Quote: “God gives us a model for affecting the lives of others. It follows the order of creation and is gender-specific. You can find that model in Titus 2:1-8. A young pastor named Titus and his congregation used this model to affect the lives of others—one man, one woman, one child, one family, one neighbor, one community at a time. They mentored generations of hope.” Linda D. Bartlett, – A “Life Quote” from Lutherans For Life –

Life Together

Attendance Report: October 2: W: 93; SS: 3; BC 20;

Role of the Saints: Names for those who have died in the last year to be included in the All-Saints Day service.

There will be NO Sunday School Teachers meetings today due to the Thrivent dinner.

Don’t forget fill out your attendance cards. Please don't forget to put the date on the card. Put the name of all in attendance on the front and all those taking communion on the back.

Worship and Altar Committee Needs You! Are you interested and willing to become a member of Trinity’s Worship/Altar committee? This is a wonderful opportunity to serve our Lord, and we are in need of more members. Please talk to Janettte Lang (782-7922) if you have questions. Our annual meeting will be held in the sanctuary on Thursday, October 25 at 7:30 p.m. Feel free to attend this meeting – no commitment necessary.

Bulletin Announcement pads can be found on the Narthex Table. Please fill out the form and give it to Pastor Watt or place it in the "Bulletin Announcements" mailbox. Unless otherwise requested announcements will not be repeated.

Naomi Circle will meet on Wednesday, Oct 12, 2011 at 1:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Our topic will be: “Heaven: A Five-Star Review,” found on page 18 of the Fall Quarterly. Please join us for Bible Study and fellowship.

The Junior and Senior Youth groups will meet tonight at 7pm.

This Week at Trinity

Sun Oct 9 Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost—Proper 23 (G)

8:00am Divine Service (First Lutheran)

9:30am Divine Service

11:00am Sunday School Adult Bible Class

12:00pm Thrivent Annual Meeting (FH)

7:00pm Youth Group and Jr. Youth Group

Mon Oct 10 Pastor's Day Off

7:00pm LifeLight Bible Study

Tue Oct 11 6:30am Early Risers (McDonalds)

1:30pm Streams of Living Water, Sermon Broadcast

1:30pm LifeLight Bible Study

5:30pm Habitat for Humanity Meeting (FH)

6:30pm Preschool Board

Wed Oct 12 1:30pm Naomi Circle (FH)

6:00pm Jr. Confirmation

7:30pm Church Council Meeting (FH)

Sun Oct 16 Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost—Proper 24 (G)

8:00am Divine Service (First Lutheran)

9:30am Divine Service

11:00am Sunday School Adult Bible Class

11:30am Voter's Meeting

Serving This Week

Sun Oct 9

Pianist: Julie Lang

Ushers: Eric Eklund, Jacy Eklund, Jim Nelson, Randy Ringsdorf

Altar: Becky Hagen, Anita Wardenburg, Carla Roghair

Acolytes: Cali Fogelsong, Caitlyn Bargstadt

Finance: Jim and Cindy Nelson, Eric and Jeanna Eklund

Elder: Karl Peterson

Sun Oct 16

Organist: Sharon Eklund

Ushers: Eric Eklund, Jacy Eklund, Jim Nelson, Randy Ringsdorf

Altar: Becky Hagen, Anita Wardenburg, Carla Roghair

Finance: Jim and Cindy Nelson, Eric and Jeanna Eklund

Acolytes: Devon Peterson, Axhley Bargstadt

Elder: Karl Peterson