The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost Announcements: August 31, 2014

Post date: Aug 29, 2014 2:11:58 PM

This Week at Trinity

Sun Aug 31

  • 8:00 am (MA) Divine Service
  • 9:30 am (MA) SS/Bible Class
  • 9:45 am (CR) Divine Service
  • 11:00 am (CR) SS/Bible Class

Mon Sep 1

  • Diagonal Parade

Tue Sep 2

  • 10:00 am (MA) Pastor in Mt Ayr Office
  • 6:30 pm (CR) Rachel Circle
  • 7:00 pm (MA) Mt Ayr Community Committee

Wed Sep 3

  • 6:00 pm Confirmation Class
  • 7:30 pm Board of Elders

Sun Sep 7

  • Rally Day (MA)
  • 9:45 am (CR) Divine Service
  • 10:30 am (MA) Divine Service
  • 11:00 am (CR) SS/Bible Class
  • 12:00 pm Rally Day Picnic (MA)

Important Dates:

Sunday, September 7th—Rally Day in Mt. Ayr. Picnic and games.


Sunday, Aug 24, 2014—91,


Cancer: Al Davis; Duane Dunhan; Grace Weese; Janice Shepherd; Jeff Bierle; Kenny Goeglein; Lisa Britt; Merle Triggs; Mike Rollings; Paula Bowman; Rhonda Smith; Ron Harris; Wes Keeler

Condolences: Family of Cindy Ray; Clayton Dale Schroeder (Father of Jim Schroeder, Iowa District West Gift Planning Counselor);

General: Prayers for the Life Team in our congregation. The persecuted church, especially in Iraq;

We pray for those in our community in need to assisted by our Christian Care Fund.

We pray that God would continue to lead people to work in His Church as Pastors and Teachers.

IIS&R: Bill Hohfeld; Danna Rains; Ethan Bulgrin; Gailen Foreman; Gary Quee; Jace Zellmer; Marie Burmeister; Pastor Rubke; Bill Hohfeld

Military: Aaron Hoogland; Michael Kaufman; Denise McClarey;

Missions: Concordia Mission Society; Dr Oliver, Seminary Professor in Taiwan; Pastor Daniel Vogel, Hispanic Missions in Iowa; Pastor Dennis Konkel, Deaf Missions in Iowa;

Seminary Students: Timothy Meyer, Chris Troxel, Martin Herzberg; Luke Watt;

Shutins: Don Campbell, May Carlisle, Mary Carson, Ruth Chase, Wilma Cottrell, Jeanne Herzberg, Irene Hogue, Frieda Porter, Lonny Riley;

Lost Gold & Silver bracelet.

If found contact Linda Hadley 782-9546.

Life Together

Ladies there will be a short LWML meeting on September 14th following church in Creston. Plans for the LWML Rally on will be discussed. All ladies are welcome of join this meeting.

Lost Gold & Silver bracelet. If found contact Linda Hadley 782-9546.

LWML Mite box will be in the back of church through the month of September.

Stewardship: Matthew 16:26 “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life?” He who dies with the most toys….is dead. But the one who trusts in the Lord, even though he dies, yet shall he live. We live out our trust in the Lord by faithfully fulfilling the roles God has given us to play in home, church, and society as loving, generous people.

Early Risers will resume on Tuesday, September 8. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall for breakfast, fellowship and Bible Study. We will begin with a study of the book of Judges.


Building Healthy Families: While Facebook and other social media sites are great at reconnecting long-lost classmates and allowing grandparents keep in touch with their grandchildren from afar, there is a downside. Marriages – even strong ones – can be threatened when one or both spouses develop (or re-develop) online relationships. Discussing and agreeing on boundaries before problems occur helps safeguard your marriage. Take time to do this today and set (or re-set) healthy boundaries! Lutheran Family Service of Iowa, 7177 Hickman Rd, Ste 3; Des Moines, IA 50322; PH 515-251-4900.

August 31 “Just as God forgave Saul, the great persecutor of the early church, transforming him into Saint Paul, the great evangelist to the Gentiles, so also God redeems men who have been entangled by the sin of abortion. Some of these men have become, like Saint Paul, powerful spokespersons who proclaim, ‘There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus’ (Romans 8:1). Other men are still waiting to hear comforting words like these—might you be the one to tell them?” Ryan C. MacPherson, associate professor of history at Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, Minnesota – A “Life Quote” from Lutherans For Life ·


Lifelight Bible Study will resume on Monday, September 8 at 6:30 p.m. and at 1:30 p.m. You may attend either session as the same material will be presented both days. The session will be held in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a friend. We will study the 1st half of the book of Exodus. For information and study materials see Janette or Mike Lang.

Pastor Watt will begin a study of Paul's letters to the Thessalonians on September 14 (Adult bible class hour). In these short letters, St. Paul encourages the small Thessalonian congregation to live in the Gospel and to fulfill their calling as Christians in a very pagan culture. Also we see Paul's deep pastoral care as he addresses issues in the life of the small congregation. The problems come from living in a hostile pagan culture and misunderstandings of Paul's prior teaching. Important topics covered in the letters include: The intermediate state (what happens to Christians when they die); The resurrection of the dead; The "Rapture" ; Christian vocation; and the doctrine of antichrist. Join us following worship every sunday as we read the text and apply it to our own context.

DEFENDING THE FAITH, TEACHING THE TRUTH....Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week's topics include: Islam, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Buddhism, Hinduism, Pietism, Gnosticism and more. You can listen at your convenience at

REFORMATION RUSH HOUR: Have you listened yet on your Lutheran Radio Station Worldwide KFUO? Reformation Rush Hour discusses religious news items, what’s going on around the various organizations and districts of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, a little church history, a segment that host Rev. Donofrio calls “Lutheran on Purpose” in which you will hear stories from people around the world who converted to Lutheranism from other churches and religions and much, much more. Weekdays at 5pm CDT!Streaming and archived at

Serving At Trinity

August 31

  • Organist: (CR) Sharon Eklund

Serving in September:

  • (CR) Elder: Mike Lang
  • (MA) Elder: Doug Bullock
  • (CR) Ushers: Dave Dory; Mike Lang
  • (CR) Finance: Dennis Brown; Joyce Kruse
  • (CR) Altar: Chuck & Paula Bowman

Thank you to all those who volunteer to serve our congregation. Your service is appreciated. Thank you!