Post date: Aug 17, 2012 12:52:50 PM


Mark your calendars for Sept. 15th – Balloon Days Parade and Oct. 14th – Congregation Member Birthday Party. We will be needing volunteers to help with these events. Watch for sign up sheets and for more details to be coming. Thanks!

Summer is flying by, Rally Day (the Beginning of Sunday School) is coming soon. August 26. We will have an outdoor service, weather permitting, and a family potluck picnic. Please join us and remind all the families with school age children that Sunday School begins!

THEOLOGY FOR WHITE COLLAR, BLUE COLLAR & CLERICAL COLLAR...Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show produced by Lutheran Public Radio and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week's topics include: Jesus Heals a Deaf & Mute Man, Apostle Barnabas, Pastor Titus, Old Testament Judge & Prophet Samuel and more. You can listen at your convenience at


2012 Military Family Retreat (Part of Operation Barnabus) September 21-23 at Camp Okiboji. This retreat is for all military families who have recently had a family member return from deployment. Please talk to Pastor Watt if you know of a military family that would benefit from this retreat. There are flyers on the narthex table. If you know a military family that would be benefited by this retreat, this would be be a great opportunity to utilize the Christian Care Fund. Request forms are found on the narthex table.

Building Healthy Families: Do hurtful or disrespectful words sometimes come out of your mouth during the week as you interact with your family? If so, know that continuing this habit is damaging to your relationships. Try memorizing this verse and call it to memory when you are tempted to bite at someone you love this week: “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14) Lutheran Family Service of Iowa (515) 251-4900.

Habitat for Humanity seeking homeowner for nearly completed house with two bedrooms. Application and an interview available now. Encourage people in need of housing to make the call. Call Nancy 641 782-8597 or JoAnn 641-782-4522. Also for more information go to the Habitat for Humanity website at

Life Quote: “You can be a voice of prayer praying for our Church, our country, hurting people. You can be a voice of service reaching out to those who need an encouraging word, a helping hand, a comforting presence. You can be a voice of education helping others understand how God’s Word of truth and grace connects to the life issues. You can be a voice of witness pointing people to the true source of rescue. You can be an activist voice participating in Life Chains, Marches for Life, and prayer vigils. You can be a political voice practicing Christian citizenship and bringing your influence to bear through the political process.” Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, executive director of Lutherans For Life – A “Life Quote” from Lutherans For Life ·

Wanted: 4 people to help with the Bloodmobile in the Fellowship Hall on August 20 from 3-6 pm. Please see Julie Lang if you are able to help in this way.

Life Together

Attendance: August 12: 81, HC: 72 #3

"HHS mandate: An attack on all people of faith" A must read article in the Washington Post by LCMS President Matt Harrison and Samuel Rodriguez. View it on the internet

A baby shower is being planned for Katie Davidson-Rullestad by her aunts and sister, Kayla. Please consider this your invitation to attend on Saturday September 1 at 1:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.

Anniversary Celebrations! Karl and Candace Peterson celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on August 15, and Randy and Carla Roghair celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary today. The couples provided the flowers on the altar in thanksgiving to God. They also invite you to enjoy cake during fellowship time after church.

Confirmation Classes begin in just another week! Parents and students will meet with Pastor and Phil Wardenburg on Wednesday August 22 at 6pm. The first confirmation class will begin the following week (August 29). Please pray for our students and teachers!

Talk to Pastor Watt if you would be willing to take pictures of members for the church database. (515)462-0566 or

The Board of Education thanks everyone who helped in any way with VBS this year. It was a great week with lots of kids to share our message with; many have been coming since preschool which shows what a tremendous outreach our preschool is to the community. Whether you led a session, corralled kids, helped in the kitchen, took kids outside, or provided snack items.....thank you so much!! We can't do it without everyone working together!

You can now access the church directory online! You can also update your church database information. Please talk to Pastor Watt if you want to get access. Call, eMail or in person. (515)462-0566 or

This Week at Trinity

Sun Aug 19 Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

8:00am Divine Service (First Lutheran)

9:30am Divine Service

11:00am Sunday School Adult Bible Class

Mon Aug 20 Pastor's Day Off

Tue Aug 21 6:30am Early Risers (McDonalds)

1:30pm Streams of Living Water, Sermon Broadcast

Wed Aug 22 6:00pm Confirmation Parents Meeting

7:30pm Board of Education (FH)

7:30pm Board of Trustees (FH)

Sun Aug 26 Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Rally Day - Outdoor Service with Picnic

8:00am Divine Service (First Lutheran)

9:30am Divine Service (HC)

11:00am Sunday School Adult Bible Class

Serving at Trinity

Sun Aug 19

Altar: Becky Hagen, Carla Roghair

Finance: Steve Bradley, Lyle Scheel

Acolytes: Ushers

Ushers: Jacob Wolfe, Jim Hagen, Jay Wolfe, Mike Lang

Elder: Randy Roghair

Organists: Sharon Eklund

Sun Aug 26

Altar: Becky Hagen, Carla Roghair

Finance: Steve Bradley, Lyle Scheel

Acolytes: Ushers

Ushers: Jacob Wolfe, Jim Hagen, Jay Wolfe, Mike Lang

Elder: Randy Roghair

Accompanists: Julie Lang; Carla Roghair